Scorpion on a Stick

The official blog of The Society for the Advancement and Appreciation of Everything Relating to the Role-Playing Game and its Creators

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey folks.  Scorpion on a Stick co-author, Nate 20 (I'm the crittingest), here.  Just thought I'd take a minute to write up my intro.  I enjoy games of a wide variety (board games, party games, collectible and non-collectible card games, computer games and so on...) but I've been table top RPG gaming for about 18 years.  I believe I started with Robotech and TMNT but have played more tha my share of D&D 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions, GURPS Supers, GURPS Trek, D20 Modern (in a Buffy-esque setting usually) and Ars Magica.  I pretty much just play D&D 4E these days though.  I usually prefer more story-telling than hack-n-slash, but really what good is one without the other? 

A few thoughts off the top of my head.  WotC recently announced the development of D&D 5E.  Cool, I guess.  I loved 2nd, loved 3rd even more and wasn't crazy about 4th when it came out.   Seems a little soon, but if it's better than 4th, then great.  Buying new corebooks is a pain.  Let's hope the new ones have some 2nd-esque art.  That stuff was epic!  I'm probably most excited about the prospect of new a new minis series.  And seriously when are they going to make a tarrasque mini?  I'm using an old Star Wars Rancor toy that I taped to one of the sides of a 3-ringed binder.  I found another one that was smaller than I'd like but still looks awesome on some British gaming site.  But Robot Black is painting/assembling it for me so I don't have it yet.  I don't have talent making/painting minis!  That's why I buy these prepainted plastic ones.  Also, ever since I was a kid playing with gi joes, tmnts and star wars toys, I always thought minion bad guys should come in like a bucket.  I mean what good is one storm trooper or foot soldier?  They're only a force to make the good guys nervous when there are like scores of 'em.  Same logic goes to minis.  I need like a bag of like 3 dozen goblins.  Sell that!

Rant concluded.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Introductions and such.

Who we are and what we do:

I'm Robot Black. I play metal and rpg's. I like my metal with fantasy and sci fi stuff in it and my gaming with metal in it. I've been gaming since forever and I love it. I dig: AD&D, retroclones, 4e D&D, Unknown Armies, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer, Marvel Super Heroes and a ton of other stuff.

Nate 20 has an 18 charisma so I'll let him introduce himself. He lives 4 states away from me now, so we don't get to game much these days.

What SoaS is and isn't: Pretty much whatever we want it to be as long as it relates to gaming in some way. N20 and I have a ton of cool and not so cool gaming ideas, so we wanted some place to keep them. We'll probably do some campaign logs (since we're both just now starting new games), some world building stuff, campaign/rule ideas, maybe some product/movie/music reviews. We're nerds for that stuff, too.